MTI UHF RFID Spitfire2000 Module
The MTI UHF RFID Spitfire2000 Module is an RFID hardware component used to build RFID hardware solutions.
M200 module
The M200 module (shown below) (Model number RU00-M03-XXXX) may be ordered separately. Consult your system designer for the solution that works best for you.
MTI Spitfire2000 Datasheet
View the MTI Spitfire2000 datasheet here.
MTI Spitfire2000 DevKit
The MTI Spitfire2000 DevKit with M200 includes our Rust driver and sample code, C interface, and Python sample code. The DevKit is used for developing solutions that use the Spitfire, M200 or M.2 modules from MTI.
DevKit SDK
The SDK instructions for the Spitfire DevKit can be found here.
The documentation for the Rust driver may be found here.
SDK Architecture
Pricing Information
For pricing information for the Spitfire2000 and M200 modules, please contact us. Quantity discounts and reseller pricing are available.